About Us

Mobile Software AS was established in Norway by Rich Larsen, who has a particular desire to develop profitable Companies out of Technology and market needs like Buddy and bSafe.
Mobile Software has developed a saleable and scalable platform for smart and innovative app software. We have developed Buddy and bSafe and new and unique services are under development
We use Core Location framework for location and we allow the native iOS & Android system to choose which way of tracking is the best at a moment to secure the best quality. For our free communication, we use a codec that makes the quality of video and voice conversation adjusted during the call and video call to the optimum.
Intellectual properties (IP) Source code, patents pending, trademarks pending, intellectual property copyrights, trade secrets and other proprietary rights are owned by Mobile Software AS.
bSafe - Never Walk Alone!

Safety app - bSafe
bSafe is running on your mobile device so you can see your friends and family members on a map and communicate with them via calls, HD video calls and chat.
"bSafe" tracks locations automatically - in real time, all the time. The application runs in the background - without draining battery
Easy and fast Alarm activation

Activate alarm by voice or enter alarm button

Record video and audio automatically

High sound alarm on your guardians phone

The app opens automatically

See on the map where your family member is

See and hear everything in real time

File are automatically sent to your phone for later use
Find out more

20% of all women in US and Europe over 18 years are raped or attempted raped
"Domestic violence, sexual assaults, and rapes are major problems, and
bSafe can be part of the solution and help if an accident occurs"
Buddy - Your New Friend Community

Communicate for free
Because of an increasingly global world and stressful day we need to know where our children, friends, colleagues are and the ability to communicate with those at ease.
Buddy covers these global needs in a genius and easy way. Just find your friend, child or colleague at the map and enter the profile picture to make a free voice call, video call or chat.
Find new friends
Find new friends where you are located and find new friends all over the world. Simply place settings, get an overview with profile pictures, send a friend request and start communicate for free.
Find out more
Buddy - Your New Friend Community
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Download the App
Find our applications at AppStore and PlayStore
Download on the App Store Get it on Google PlaybSafe:
Download on the App Store Get it on Google PlayMeet our team
Management is a highly skilled and experienced team with a unique background and knowledge in business development, software development and marketing in all important areas to ensure a predictable development and good operation
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Contact Us

Rich Larsen
CEO and founder
+47 47 33 39 08